Speculative Lessons/Just Futures:

Creativity and Accessibility in Computational Poetics

March 4-5, 2022

If, Then: Technology and Poetics hosted our first symposium! Programming for Speculative Lessons/Just Futures: Creativity and Accessibility in Computational Poetics focused on accessibility, creativity, and the wonderful, generative, digital work that arises with the equal combination of the two.

All events were free, over Zoom, and open to writers, coders, and scholars from all backgrounds.


Day 1: Friday, March 4—Creative Care Infrastructures: Disability Arts and Computational Poetics
  • 11AM Eastern: Kevin Gotkin and Louise Hickman on disability as an engine of artistic and creative practice
  • 1:30PM Eastern: Lunch roundtable discussion on the connections between digital humanities, disability, and infrastructure studies
  • 7PM Eastern: workshop led by Taeyoon Choi, Distributed Web of Care

Day 2: Saturday, March 5—Worldbuilding + Serious Play In and Outside the Classroom
  • 11AM Eastern: Worldbuilding workshop led by Clayton Colmon, BYOP (Bring Your Own Project)
  • 1:30PM Eastern: Lunch roundtable discussion about pedagogical accessibility to creative computing, informed by speculative worldbuilding praxis. Includes conversations about Black futures, pacing/time, and play.
  • 3PM Eastern, ending remarks—"The Pace of Play"